The 5th Annual Tour de Moffett Park was a great success! This year over 180 bicyclist from MPBTA member companies participated in the lunch-time rides. Sponsored by Moffett Park Business & Transportation Association, NetApp and Lockheed Martin enjoyed the beautiful day with a 7 mile ride that took them around the Moffett Park area, out through Baylands Park, onto the San Tomas Aquino trail, and back over the Borregas Bike/Ped bridge. Lunch and vendors, such as The Sports Basement, VeloGirls, Lance Armstrong Foundation, and the Silicon Valley Bike Coalition, rounded out the rest of the event. At the end of the event a raffle awarded many prizes to the participants and the Tour de Moffett Park trophy, which recognizes the highest percentage of participants from a company, went to NetApp.
Thank you goes out to NetApp and NetApp employees for their generous support of the event.