Santa Clara County staff provided a monthly report dated December 9 on the status of various efforts related to the Cold Weather Shelter Program. Included in the report was information on the new temporary shelter facility on Innovation Way, which opened on December 6. In the first three days of operation, a total of 38 clients utilized the shelter for one or more nights. Local residents wishing to refer those in need, may contact Sunnyvale Community Services at 408-738-4321 ext. 216, or Downtown Streets Team at 650-833-8663 to request a referral to the new Sunnyvale shelter. After 5 p.m., those in need may call the shelter directly at 408-313-6626 for assistance. Community members with questions or concerns about shelter operations may call the HomeFirst 24/7 hotline at 408-854-4670 for assistance. For more information, contact the Housing Division at 408-730-7250.