Is your company interested in learning and implementing the best green practices? Are you interested in attaining green business certification?
This workshop is tailor made for you!
The Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s Santa Clara County, Tri Valley and San Mateo County Air Quality Resource Teams are partnering with the Santa Clara County Green Business Program and MPBG to host a lively green business panel discussion on May 17th. Small to mid-size organizations will learn how to apply for green business certification status and, your company/agency will learn ways to help reduce greenhouse gases and harmful air pollution by promoting commute alternatives to your employees.
Those who attend will be eligible to win fun door prizes including an Apple iPad and Chinook Books. Join us and guest speaker Joe McConnell, news and traffic reporter for Metro Networks on May 17th at San Jose City Hall, Rotunda, 8:30 a.m. until 12:00 noon. to have your name put on our guest list or to get more information.